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The Eyre Affair Titelbild

The Eyre Affair

Von: Jasper Fforde
Gesprochen von: Gabrielle Kruger
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There is another 1985, somewhere in the could-have-been, where the Crimean war still rages, dodos are regenerated in home-cloning kits and everyone is deeply disappointed by the ending of 'Jane Eyre'.

In this world there are no jet-liners or computers, but there are policemen who can travel across time, a Welsh republic, a great interest in all things literary - and a woman called Thursday Next.

In this utterly original and wonderfully funny first novel, Fforde has created a fiesty, loveable heroine and a plot of such richness and ingenuity that it will take your breath away.

©2001 Jasper Fforde (P)2013 Hodder & Stoughotn


"What Fforde is pulling is a variation on the classic Monty Python gambit: the incongruous juxtaposition of low comedy and high erudition - this scam has not been pulled off with such off-hand finesse and manic verve since the Pythons shut up shop. 'The Eyre Affair'is a silly book for smart people: postmodernism played as raw, howling farce." ( Independant)

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    5 out of 5 stars
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Which booklover wouldn’t want to be living in a world where books are truly appreciated the way they deserve? Fforde is a master at creating alternative realities, and I highly recommend him to everyone who likes to get lost in a good book. After having read the book as a teenager, I am very pleased to say this audiobook holds up, with an absolutely solid voice acting job by Gabrielle Kruger. Listen and enjoy.

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    5 out of 5 stars

Großartiges Werk!

Ein Roman über die Liebe zur Literatur! Humorvoll und herzzerreißend! Absolut zu empfehlen! Super

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    4 out of 5 stars
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    4 out of 5 stars

Creative, confusing, brilliant, different!

Well this is really a difficult book to wrap your head around and almost impossible to summarise. Set in an alternative version of the 1980s, its heroine Thursday Next is a time-traveling literary detective who can step into books and stop crimes happening there. Apart from rescuing kidnapped fictional characters, restoring story lines and fighting an evil criminal, she also confronts the dark all-powerful Goliath cooperation and tries to stop the 150yr Crimean war while also having a kidnapped family members and complicated love life. Alongside all of this, she tries to find out who really wrote Shakespeare’s works and fixes tears in tte time/ space continuum. If this sounds like a lot, it is! I felt the book somehow too crowded, it contained enough for a whole series. I felt confused at times, and at times quite clueless with all the literary puns and references (even though I’m an avid reader, I’m not an English major). Nevertheless, I’m glad I persevered. The book came together for me in the second half, I started to understand what was going on and warmed to the characters. The plot was good, the humor gently ironic, the ending satisfying. In the end, I was happy I perservered.
The narrator did a brilliant job also!

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  • Me
  • 07.04.2014

really good

Ffordes idea of Thursday's parallel timeline is one of the most interesting fantasy I've read (or heard) so far. I totally liked it.
Gabrielle Kruger fits perfectly, and I'm already looking forward to the next book.

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    5 out of 5 stars

Amazing story and great narrator!

Thursday Next is amazing, really looking forward to read the next book in the series.

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    4 out of 5 stars

definitely for young readers

This was the wrong book for me but it might be great for teenagers as it offers a lot of phantastic inventions like cloned dodos as pets, a father whose face could literally stop clocks and a heroine that hunts books.

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    3 out of 5 stars
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    2 out of 5 stars
  • Geschichte
    3 out of 5 stars

Gute Ideen, aber völlig überladen

Ohne sich vorher auf Wikipedia einzulesen hätte ich schon die Grundsituation in diesem Pralleluniversum nicht verstanden. Vieles wird nebenbei und nicht gerade einfach erklärt, ist aber dann enorm wichtig, um überhaupt nachzuvollziehen, was passiert. Das Ganze ist ziemlich überladen. Eine Welt in der Literatur das allerwichtigste ist und es eine eigene Regierungsorganisation zu deren Schutz gibt, Reisen in und aus Büchern möglich sind, hätte nicht on top noch Zeitreisen, Werwölfe, Vampire, Zauberer (die ihre Gestalt einfach ändern können und nicht auf Kameraaufnahmen zu sehen sind.. wird nie so richtig erklärt) geklonte Tiere, eine kommerzielle Parallelregierung und fiktive Verläufe diverser Kriege, in die alle Beteiligten irgendwie verwickelt waren, gebraucht. Es ist einfach zu viel und das noch unnötig kompliziert. Und Charaktere völlig platt "Jack Shit" zu nennen ist eher fanatsielos als lustig.

Die Sprecherin hat mich nicht überzeugt. Mich hat am meisten das laute Schlucken gestört, dass man nach mindestens jedem zweiten Absatz deutlich hört. Entweder unprofessionell gesprochen oder schlecht bearbeitet, ist jedenfalls sehr unangenehm zum hören.

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Meh meh meh
Ich finde es recht fad. Aber zum Enschlafen habe ich es nicht gekawft. Langatmig.

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  • Geschichte
    3 out of 5 stars

A good idea executed ...

The ideas behind the plot are interesting and appealing - a world where books and literature are important but also subject to change and conspiracies - but the execution is ... well, mixed at best and always way too complicated. The main plot simply gets buried under a load of family and emotions of the heroine: all of this could be stretched out over several books and the feeling that one hears more about Ms. Next than one cares to know would be avoided.

And the names give to institutions and adversaries are quite frankly a bit too thick. OK, this is fantasy, but still. Especially since books are the real heroes here - this one should take itself a bit more seriously.

The performance by Gabrielle Kruger fits the book, unfortunately. There could be magic, but alas. I do not know if I will bother with a sequel.

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