• One of the main things that keeps people stuck
    May 13 2024

    In today’s episode, we delve into the concept of “secondary gains,” the unseen benefits that keep us stuck in our problems, whether they’re related to health, relationships, or career. Understanding secondary gains is crucial because they often hold us back subconsciously, despite our conscious desire for change.

    We then go into detail about how you can step out of this stuckness, and at the end I'll quickly share a link to my free Manifestation Decoded course, that is bound to take you to the next level!

    This episode is not just informative but a potential turning point in your self-awareness and personal growth journey.

    Visit https://empoweredlifeprograms.com/decode for more information on the course.

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    8 Min.
  • Manifesting: How to Harness the Power of the Akashic Records
    May 9 2024

    In today's episode I talk about the Akashic Records and how it can be harnessed to help you manifest your desires.

    I also briefly explain how a Soul Profile & Realignment works, and how it can benefit you to be armed with the knowledge obtained from the records.

    And finally, you will be introduced to our free mini-course called Manifestation Decoded: The Ultimate Guide to Shaping Your Reality!

    This course is designed to kick-start you on your manifesting journey!

    Visit https://empoweredlifeprograms.com/decode for more information.

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    9 Min.
  • How to improve your life with your thoughts
    Mar 11 2024

    In this episode, we explore the profound impact of thoughts on our lives. Thoughts carry specific frequencies, and emitting negative frequencies can attract negative outcomes.

    I share a number of tools you can apply to help you through the process of shifting your thoughts, and for further insights on these tools and more, my hubby and I are about to launch our online community!

    Each week we will delve into these topics and more. What's even more exciting is that the first month is free! Keep your eyes open for when we announce the official launch!

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    4 Min.
  • Why you need to take responsibility for your problems
    Feb 28 2024

    In this 110th (!) episode, I dive deep into the essence of taking ownership of your problems.

    I begin by unraveling the root causes of why you may encounter problems, shedding light on the universal nature of challenges and their role in personal growth.

    Emphasising the distinction between taking responsibility and self-blame, I explore the act of acknowledging your part in your issues without casting judgment upon yourself.

    I also illustrate what it truly means to take responsibility—viewing it as a powerful stance of empowerment rather than a burden.

    Finally, I outline practical steps on how to gracefully accept this responsibility, initiating a transformative journey to help you on your way to manifesting your greatest desires!

    By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools and mindset to effectively confront and move beyond your problems, paving the way for a more empowered and fulfilling life.

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CPW0aHleEkI

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    13 Min.
  • How to stop getting in your own way with manifesting
    Feb 23 2024

    In today's episode, we explore the common issue of self-sabotage when wanting to manifest a new experience, whether it's related to diet, exercise, business, or spirituality.

    I discuss two main reasons you could be getting in your own way, and what you can do about that, starting today!

    I don't know about you, but when it comes to manifesting, I want things to happen as fast as possible, with less effort, and less mess!

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    9 Min.
  • This is why many people don't achieve their goals
    Feb 17 2024

    In this podcast episode, we dive deep into the reasons why many people fail to achieve their goals, focusing on the role of manifesting.

    Despite its perceived complexity, manifesting is actually straightforward, revolving around the actionable "TEAM Formula" that I've coined.

    This formula underscores the importance of aligning with teh three key elements to create desired outcomes. We also explore the major obstacles to achieving goals.

    Through a practical example and a case study of "Sally," we illustrate how maintaining alignment and perseverance through adversity can lead to manifesting desired realities.

    This episode offers valuable insights into manifesting effectively by staying true to your desires and making adjustments as needed.

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    16 Min.
  • How to rapidly manifest what you want
    Feb 14 2024

    If you've been chasing your dreams but find them always yet another step away, this episode will be a game-changer for you.

    With over 30 years of diving deep into the art of manifestation, I've uncovered the key to unlocking not just some, but all of your heart's desires with astonishing speed.

    The secret? Vibrational alignment.

    It's not about wishing harder, but aligning your vibration with your desires.

    Today, we'll explore why some manifestations seem to arrive on a silver platter while others never show up at the party. I'll share insights from my journey, revealing the critical role of vibrational alignment and the concept of the 'buffer of time.'

    This episode is more than just about manifesting; it's about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your Soul Blueprint, to create the reality you desire.

    Whether you're new to manifesting or have been on this path for years, you'll discover the concept of course-correcting, and start seeing signs of alignment faster than you ever thought possible.

    Let's dive in and transform your manifesting journey from hit-and-miss to unerring accuracy!

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    12 Min.
  • Why Soul Regression Therapy is Better
    Feb 11 2024

    In today's podcast episode, I delve into the unique advantages of Soul Regression Therapy over traditional past life or between lives regression.

    Unlike these methods, which focus solely on exploring past incarnations or the soul's journey between physical lives, Soul Regression Therapy incorporates a significant healing element, thus earning its title as therapy.

    This approach not only offers insights into past and between lives experiences but also integrates these insights into your present life, facilitating profound healing from past traumas. The distinction lies in this integration, making past life revelations directly relevant and actionable today, bridging the gap between mere exploration and transformative healing.

    Soul Regression Therapy holistically addresses the complex web of our soul's journey, empowering you to heal, grow, and align more closely with your soul's purpose. It stands out as a comprehensive, integrative tool for those seeking knowledge, meaningful transformation, and a deeper understanding of their soul's journey.

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    5 Min.