• Bye for Now!
    Jul 6 2021

    078 I've loved working on this podcast for 78 episodes and close to two years.  I am so grateful for all of my guests and my listeners.  I sincerely hope that you've found the podcast a supportive part of staying healthy, happy, and sane while running your business. 

    UPDATE:  When I recorded this episode, in early 2021, I wasn't sure what I wanted. I LOVED podcasting. I knew I needed a break, but wasn't sure if it was forever. 

    This project feels complete now. I'm so grateful for everyone who listened, supported, left a review, was a guest or had anything to do with this podcast.

    Thank you!

    Wishing you a healthy, happy, and mostly sane life!


    Stay in Touch <>

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    9 Min.
  • Avoiding Burnout with Christmas Hutchinson
    Jun 29 2021

    077  Solopreneurs work hard.  Very hard.  And it can be easy to get burntout because we love what we do so much.  We push ourselves.  And it can lead to exhaustion, overwhelm, and even starting to resent the business you worked so hard to grow. 

    Today's guest, Christmas Hutchinson, has some amazing advice about how to recognize burnout and, through her own story, helps us to take steps to prevent it.  Christmas is a high-energy management consultant, executive coach, and author of The Resilient Mind – a field guide to a healthier way of life. She is passionate about helping high achievers overcome imposter syndrome to confidently achieve a fulfilling career as a means to find balance in all areas of their lives. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. What burnout is (and what it means for you)
    2. How to listen when the universe is telling you that something needs to change
    3.  Ways to prevent burnout as an entrepreneur

    Detailed show notes <>

    Connect with Christmas here:
    Instagram and her podcast and website

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    34 Min.
  • Finding More Balance in Your Life Reboot
    Jun 22 2021

    076  The life balance wheel is an awesome tool that allows me to check in on how balanced I am in my work-life, but also in ALL aspects of my life.  I come back to it 2-3 times each year just to check in on how I'm doing - am I still working towards what I want for my life??  Because episode #6 was soooooo juicy, I rebooted it this week just for you....

    There are lots of tools and exercises to help you evaluate where you are right now in your life - health, career, etc... so that you can find more balance with your life as an entrepreneur. Using these tools you can get a meta view of your life - notice successes, see areas you want to focus on, and get starting point to compare to later as you grow and change.  As entrepreneurs, it can be so easy to just focus on your career.  But I know you value your family, your friends, and having fun too!  How do you juggle all of these things in a way that makes sense to you and focuses on what you want and value and need?

    What you learn in this episode:

    1. Why figuring out what’s going on with you right now is worth your time
    2. About a tool called the Life Balance Wheel
    3. How it can help you get a snapshot of your life right now
    4. How to prioritize your health and wellness goals based on where you are now
    5. Ideas about how to be realistic about balancing career and everything else

    More info <

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    26 Min.
  • Empathy Driven Brand Storytelling with Sarah Panus
    Jun 15 2021

    075 The more we can connect with and support our audience and clients, the easier our jobs as solopreneurs and business owners become.  We can be more clear, more focused, and more effective.  We can increase our impact with less work. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The power of "the third choice"
    2. How empathy is key to brand storytelling - and why you care about it.
    3. How to use an "empathy filter" as your new secret weapon for creating content and connecting with your audience.

    Sarah Panus has nearly 20 years’ experience helping billion-dollar brands drive leading ROI through brand storytelling. Sarah is a Minnesota mama, content strategist, podcast host of Marketing With Empathy, and owner of Kindred Speak LLC.  She’s on a mission to humanize brands; help content marketers reduce overwhelm/confusion; and raise money to fund child trafficking rescue missions.

    More info <

    Connect with Sarah
    Website <>
    Instagram and Marketing With Empathy Podcast

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    28 Min.
  • Stock Photos Up Level Your Biz + Give You Back Time with Briena Sash
    Jun 1 2021

    073  You know that I love to try to make your life as a solopreneur easier.  One of the most important decisions I made for my business was to invest in a quality stock photo site that provided photos that specialized in my niche.  Wellness Stock Shop has been a literal lifesaver and I wanted to bring the owner, Briena Sash onto the podcast to share her insights with you about what a gift hiring done for you services can be as small business owner.

    Briena Sash is an award-winning photographer and the creator of Wellness Stock Shop - the world's most soulful source for wellness imagery.

    As a female small business owner, she understands the challenges entrepreneurs face, and created a stock photo store to help remove one of those barriers: Creating a consistent visual brand that will support your business.

    I asked her to come on the podcast to discuss the why professional visuals are essential for a business

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. Why professional and brand consistent photos are essential for your business, especially if you are online.
    2. Why hiring services, like a stock photo provider, will help you manage stress and give you more time.
    3. Why you don’t have to be (or want to be) the expert at everything.

    More info <

    Connect with Briena and her awesome photos
    Website <> and Facebook and Pinterest

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    44 Min.
  • Tips to Stress Less when Creating a Course with Brandy Dudas
    May 18 2021

    071  Creating and launching courses can be sooooo stressful. There are so many moving parts and "rules" - things you "should" be doing.  Today's guest, Brandy Dudas, is here to rescue us!  She's got a way of thinking about courses that not only totally makes sense, but makes the process much less stressful - yes, while still being successful!!

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. Brandy's favorite tips for creating (+ launching) a course without stressing
    2. Ways to make the course creation process (and the launch) adapt to your life and work for you - what's the easiest way for you to do this?
    3. Why knowing yourself, your students and the transformation you offer is essential

    More info <>

    Connect with Brandy!

    Freebie <<HERE>>  Instagram - Facebook

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    29 Min.
  • You Don't Have to Do It All: How to Hire Freelancers with Emily Perron
    May 4 2021

    069 Entrepreneurs can sometimes be not so great at asking for help.  If we can do it, we think we should.  For instance, I do my own website and social media even though I probably shouldn’t be doing either!  Ha!  Today’s guest Emily Perron, helps businesses do just that - outsource the work that will help them thrive!  

    In today’s episode you will learn:

    1. What stops business owners from hiring freelancers or outsourcing
    2. How to think outside the box with hiring - it’s not all VA’s, you can be more strategic
    3. What ONE thing she wishes solopreneurs knew about outsourcing
    4. What steps you can take today to start working on expanding your team TODAY

    More info <

    Connect with Emily
    Website <> and Instagram 

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    28 Min.
  • Inspire Yourself through Breath with Larissa Carlson
    Apr 20 2021

    067  Creativity and inspiration are essential for entrepreneurs and their businesses to grow and thrive.  But, how do we fit those things in during our crazy days of actually running a business?!!

    One of my favorite experts (and one of my teachers) Larissa Carlson shares some simple breathing techniques and ideas about how to create space for creativity in your daily life.  I'm so excited for you to get to learn from her.  

    In today’s episode you will learn:

    1. How to keep your flow of energy balanced - and why that’s essential for entrepreneurs
    2. The connection between inspiration and creativity - and mindfulness and breath work
    3. A guided belly breath - so you can experience it for yourself

    Connect with Larissa:
    Website and Instagram
    Want to learn more about breath work?  Here is Larissa's 2-1/2 hour "Pranayama for Restoring Vitality" audio course for $22 <>

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    42 Min.