• Finding/defining your Passion & Purpose
    Mar 6 2024
    Passion and purpose are two powerful forces that shape our lives and careers. Passion is the intense emotion and enthusiasm we feel towards activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. Purpose, on the other hand, is our reason for being. It’s the deeper meaning behind our actions and the legacy we wish to leave. Together, they guide us towards a life of satisfaction and achievement.
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    17 Min.
  • Put down the baggage of your past
    Mar 7 2024
    Letting go of the past involves releasing the emotional attachment to previous experiences, particularly those that cause pain or regret. It’s about focusing on the present and moving forward with life without being held back by what has already happened. This process often requires acknowledging and accepting past events, feeling the associated emotions, and then consciously deciding to release them, allowing for personal growth and the ability to embrace new opportunities.

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    16 Min.
  • BONUS: Sunday Inspiration
    Mar 10 2024
    Start your week off with a cup of supportive motivation. Its not all therapy and manifesting outcomes all the time...its also about knowing you have someone cheering for you. I've got you!
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    9 Min.
  • Your past identity will not shape your destiny
    Mar 12 2024
    Redefining your future involves a conscious decision to break free from past limitations and set a new course for your life. It’s about adopting a positive perspective, understanding your purpose, and leveraging your strengths to achieve your goals. By refreshing your mindset, recognizing the power of purpose, and embracing change, you can reinvent yourself and create the future you envision. This process requires reflection, determination, and action to transform your aspirations into reality.

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    14 Min.
  • The Path Ahead in 10 Steps
    Mar 14 2024
    Moving forward and achieving your goals is a journey of courage, learning, and unwavering commitment. Keep your eyes on the prize, your feet on the ground, and your heart open to the possibilities that await.
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    15 Min.
  • The Superpower That Is Consistency
    Mar 20 2024
    Consistency is the adherence to the same principles, course, form, or actions over time. It’s about maintaining a steady, reliable pattern of behavior, thought, and action, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. In the context of goal achievement, it means steadily working towards your goals, applying persistent effort, and learning from experiences to evolve as a person1. Consistency is key to mastering skills, achieving goals, and establishing trust and reliability in personal and professional relationships.
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    10 Min.
  • Fear Not Failure!
    Mar 22 2024
    Today's podcast incorporates the essence of failure’s importance, referencing both athletes and social figures who have turned their failures into stepping stones for success.
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    10 Min.
  • BONUS: Sunday Reflection - In Death
    Mar 24 2024
    This episode is designed to be reflective and comforting, drawing on various cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives to provide a holistic view of death as a transition rather than an end.
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    11 Min.