Paul W. Feenstra

Paul W. Feenstra

Paul W. Feenstra is a historical fiction novelist. Meticulously researched, and set in beautiful and mysterious New Zealand, Paul’s first novels, ‘Boundary,’ ‘The Breath of God’ and ‘For Want of a Shilling’ detail early colonial life and the impact colonialism had on native Māori. More recently, he has completed the popular medieval ‘Falls Ende’ series. Book 1, Falls Ende – Primus. Book 2, Falls Ende – Secundus, and in the summer of 2020, the 3rd book, Falls Ende – Tertium. Says Feenstra, “History is about the untold story, and writing historical fiction is a wonderful way to present the past in a compelling and entertaining way.” Born in Wellington, New Zealand, Paul still commutes frequently to Los Angeles, California, where he worked as a multiple ‘Emmy’ nominated entertainment industry professional. For over 25 years he called the USA home and was fortunate to travel extensively throughout the country. His two grown children still reside in Los Angeles. In his spare time, he enjoys photography and wrestling bears.
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