MaryAnn Shank

MaryAnn Shank

MaryAnn Shank spent more years than she will admit to in sunny California, up and down the state. Her favorite haunts were places like Santa Cruz and Sausalito and Pacific Grove. Then she moved to southern Oregon, where redwoods meet rivers for as far as the soul can reach. Here is where magic dances; and here is where her poetic pen took flight. Ms. Shank spent most of her career in library research in public libraries and venture capital firms, and earned a masters in library science. Her greatest joy then was to help someone find the perfect answer to any question. Now, with poetry in her life, she feels that she has more questions than answers, and that is just fine. SAUSALITO SUNRISE is her first book of poems. She finds that the more she writes, the more the Goddess is slipping into her notebook. So look for some dramatic Goddess-focused poems in the not too distant future.
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