• Episode 5 - My Key Abduction Experience
    May 29 2024

    I'm going to hit up the wayback machine for this one (no, not the Internet site of the same name). If not for my key 1980s experience, so many other things would not have happened. For example, I would not have written my two books, not have spoken about my continuing experiences publicly, not have decided it was worth the risk to share and that I actually wanted to share.

    To me, this experience checked all of the boxes: it occurred in stages, it did not have dream qualities (nor those of hallucination), it had real-time missing time, and even for someone creative, it would have been difficult to make up. In any case, I had no reason to make it up.

    While not gruesome, this five-stage experience had an impact. Listen in to find out why.


    I'm Wes Roberts. If you find something you relate to in my episodes, if you feel you'd like to reach out, please email me at wes@wesgroberts.com.

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    12 Min.
  • Episode 4 - The Hypnosis Process
    May 22 2024

    What's it like to be hypnotized?

    In an earlier episode I talked about having started my hypnosis journey after almost 20 years of 'sitting' on an overnight experience that I'd long before determined was not a dream, not a vision, not hallucination. In this episode I talk a little more about the process, start to finish, from assessment to guided journey to outcomes. My take, having gone through it over 30 times: very useful. You're conscious the whole time and any certified, accredited hypnotherapist will not lead you or suggest things.


    I'm Wes Roberts. If you find something you relate to in my episodes, if you feel you'd like to reach out, please email me at wes@wesgroberts.com.

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    8 Min.
  • Episode 3 - Betty and Barney Hill (Ground Zero)
    May 7 2024

    Many are the trailblazers that helped me deal with and integrate my alien abduction experiences. In this episode, I talk about Betty and Barney Hill, an American couple who, in the early 1960s, encountered something spectacular and definitely not from here. Later, in traumatic hypnosis sessions courtesy of Dr Benjamin Simon, they had to relive the horrors of that night.

    I'm Wes Roberts, an alien abductee and experiencer. If what I talk about interests you, please reach out to wes@wesgroberts.com.

    Thank you!

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    6 Min.
  • Episode 2 - Why Me? Why You?
    May 4 2024

    Hi friends. One of life's key questions. Maybe it's dogged you as well: why are we here? From my standpoint as an abductee -- yes, actually through this in a twisty, windy way -- I got to confirm my own answer. One of them, as least. I talk about this in the episode, but if you're curious, please have a peek at the following link: Interlife/Life Between Lives Regression. (FYI, I'm in no way affiliated with the website I gave you a link to. Simply using it to you'll understand more about this interesting pathwork.)

    Here something you liked, or resonated with? I'd love to hear from you: wes@wesgroberts.com.

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    6 Min.
  • Episode 1 - Introduction to my Podcast
    May 1 2024

    Hi everyone, this is it, this is the beginning of my new podcast. Why listen, what makes this different? I'm a life-long alien abductee and experiencer. This episode, my first, talks about what to expect. I have begun another podcast since thinking this through, and through it, I'll talk about magic and other topics. I hope you'll give me two minutes of your time right now, and then more if you find what I have to say interesting. Thank you. ~Wes

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    1 Min.