• "You Betta Know!!"
    Feb 1 2024

    The LORD GOD speaks to His children.

    It is vital that we hold on to the things that He has told us. In many instances keeping God's word will be the difference between life and death.

    Tune in, learn the things we must keep in mind and be blessed!

    Scriptural References:

    1 Kings 13:7-24

    Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7

    John 10:27

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    19 Min.
  • "Behold The GOD Who Never Sleeps!!"
    Jan 29 2024

    The LORD's perspective on time differs from that of a human.

    What is years to us may only be a few seconds or even minutes to Him.

    Therefore, as we're waiting on the manifestation of His promises in our lives, it is vital that we keep the right perspective.

    Tune in, learn how to keep your heart in the proper posture as you wait, and be blessed.

    Scriptural References:

    Ps. 121

    Phil. 1:6

    John 14:2

    Num. 23:19

    Ps. 27:14

    Rom. 8:24-25

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    42 Min.
  • "Come Out From Among Them!!"
    Jan 12 2024

    Christians are called to be and to live differently from the rest of the world.

    However, far too many worldly practices are also being performed by GOD's people. So much so that people can no longer distinguish GOD's people from the rest of the world. This should not be.

    Tune in, learn about "touching not the unclean thing" and be blessed!

    Scriptural References:

    2 Cor. 6:17-18

    Lev. 10:10

    1 Ki 18:21

    Deut 18:9

    Gal 5:19-21

    Eph 2:4-5

    1 John 1:9

    Joshua 24:15

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    33 Min.
  • "Behold The Salvation Of The LORD!!"
    Dec 30 2023

    The Bible tells us that GOD is not a man that HE should lie. It also tells us that it is impossible for GOD to lie.

    So when the LORD makes a promise HE will always keep it. Since we know this to be true, we need to prepare ourselves to receive HIS blessings. Without proper preparation, blessings can sometimes create stress and newfound problems for us.

    Tune in, learn how to prepare yourself for the imminent receipt of GOD's promises to you, and be blessed.

    Scriptural References:

    Joshua 1:1-11 KJV

    Numbers 23:19 KJV

    Hebrews 6:18 KJV

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    31 Min.
  • "Keeping Your Mind Stayed On GOD!!"
    Dec 19 2023

    Every Christian has moments where we take our eyes off the LORD (not just Peter).

    In these moments when we shift our focus from the LORD onto our circumstances we let go of our peace. When this occurs, things seem to quickly spiral out of control thereafter.

    The LORD has promised us that HE will keep us in perfect peace if we will keep our mind stayed on HIM and trust HIM. In this episode we discuss exactly how to do that.

    Tune in and be blessed!!

    Scriptural References:

    Isaiah 26:3 KJV

    Isaiah 50:7

    2 Kings 9:6-7

    Jeremiah 29:11

    Numbers 23:19

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    32 Min.
  • "Shake the Devil Off!!"
    Nov 26 2023

    From time to time situations will come our way that may leave us in a low grade depression. The enemy uses sadness and heaviness to weigh down our spirit and lessen our effectiveness.

    Thankfully, the LORD has given each one of His soldiers the effective means to consistently overcome these attacks from our enemy. In today's episode we learn how to effectively use praise and worship as a weapon to overpower these spirits of sadness.

    Tune in and be blessed!

    Scriptural References:

    Isaiah 61:1-3

    Psalm 42:6-8

    1 Corinthians 9:27

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    32 Min.
  • "Only GOD Knows!!"
    Nov 20 2023

    From time to time our soul will worry about things and may cast doubt on GOD fulfilling His promises towards us.

    We must remember that, many times, the plans we are obsessing and fretting about aren't even our plans. They belong to the LORD.

    In today's lesson we discuss the scriptural way to build up your soul so that you can consistently walk in the peace the LORD has given to you.

    Tune in and be blessed!!

    Scriptural References:

    Jeremiah 29:11

    Psalm 43:5

    Isaiah 43:3-5

    Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
    31 Min.
  • "No Weapon Formed!!"
    Nov 12 2023

    Many of satan's most effective strategies depend on us allowing ourselves to believe who others say that we are.

    Therefore, it is vital that we learn who we are as individuals and as Christians.

    Learn how to gird yourself to overcome one of satan's most effective weapons against you.

    Tune in and be blessed!

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    30 Min.