E J Randolph

E J Randolph

Most days you can find me pounding out a few pages on my Federation Diplomat series hoping for sun so my solar array keeps pouring amps into my system's batteries. If you want me to call you on my cell phone to tell you about it, I have to hike three hundred feet from the canyon floor where I live in a yurt with a bunch of cats to the top of the mountain. But, I won't really mind as the spectacular view of the mountains of Southwest New Mexico is worth the climb. Now, you may wonder with all the outdoor activities clearly available all around me why I hunch over a computer to write a couple hours a day. To be honest, I have fun. Maybe, too much fun. My background should have prepared me for something more serious. I studied history and hold a college degree in the subject. More to the point, I took mostly military and diplomatic history classes. So, as the sun sets with bright salmon hues streaking across a turquoise sky, I invite you to a meal of imagination spiced with a little historical knowledge of war and diplomacy. Bon appetit. Find me on Facebook: June Elliott
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