• Episode 22: How Ben bought a new investment property without ANY of his own money!
    May 10 2024

    In this episode, Ben shares his real estate investment strategy of using home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) to purchase properties with little to no money down.

    He explains how he used his HELOC to make a cash offer on a duplex in Oklahoma, and then refinanced the property to pay off the HELOC.

    Ben and Adam talk about and emphasize the importance of education, building a network, and finding good deals in order to be successful in real estate investing!

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    36 Min.
  • Episode 21: Elevate Your Communication Skills with Dale Carnegie's 6 Key Principles
    May 4 2024

    🎙️ This week, Ben and I dive into one of our favorites and share the timeless wisdom of Dale Carnegie's classic book "How to Win Friends and Influence People".
    📘 Nearly every successful person has drawn something valuable from this book, and now it's your turn! Join us as we review the 6 principles that can transform your life, whether in business, career, or even in personal relationships.
    The 6 Principles:
    🤝 Becoming genuinely interested in other people
    😊 The power of a smile
    👂 Being a good listener
    🗣️ Remembering that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest sound in any language.
    🌟 Talking in terms of their interests
    💬 Making the other person feel important and doing so with sincerity
    👊 If you get any value from this episode, do us a solid and share the show with a friend! 🙏
    #Podcast #NewEpisode #HowToWinFriends #PersonalDevelopment #CommunicationSkills #adamsellsdenver #americanmoney101 #Denver #LegitAgents #armbrustprogym

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    31 Min.
  • Episode 20: Navigating the Real Estate Market: Strategies for Buyers
    Apr 26 2024

    In this episode, Adam and Ben discuss real estate, interest rates, inflation, and trends in home buyer behavior. They start by talking about the current mortgage rates, which have been steadily increasing over the past few years. They discuss the impact of inflation on interest rates and the value of the dollar. They emphasize the importance of saving and investing to combat the devaluing of the dollar. They also discuss the concept of a 50-year mortgage and its potential benefits and drawbacks. Finally, they talk about strategies for home buyers to navigate the current market, including seller concessions and temporary buy-downs.


    • Mortgage rates have been steadily increasing over the past few years, with current rates in the 7% range for a 30-year fixed mortgage.
    • Inflation is causing the value of the dollar to decrease, making it important to save and invest to combat the devaluing of the dollar.
    • A 50-year mortgage may not provide significant savings compared to a 30-year mortgage, and it may not be ideal for long-term financial planning.
    • Buyers have more leverage in the current market and can negotiate seller concessions, such as temporary buy-downs, to make the deal more affordable.
    • It's important to be financially disciplined, avoid excessive debt, and have a financial plan to build wealth and achieve financial goals.

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    37 Min.
  • Episode 19: Navigating the Colorado Real Estate Market in 2024
    Apr 19 2024

    🎙️ In this episode, Ben and I dive into the intricacies of the current Colorado real estate scene.
    We're tackling the tough stuff—like the hurdles faced by first-time home buyers and the absolute necessity of being prepared and knowledgeable before diving in. 📚
    From dealing with high inflation, home prices and interest rates to negotiationing creative offers, we're laying it all out on the table. 💡
    But hey, it's not all doom and gloom! 🛠️
    We're also shining a light on the brighter side of homeownership—like the long-term benefits of building equity and locking in a stable mortgage with fixed monthly payments. 🏠


    • The Colorado real estate market is experiencing affordability challenges due to high home prices and interest rates.
    • First-time home buyers are facing difficulties in finding affordable homes and are being more intentional about what they are willing to accept from sellers.
    • Long-term homeownership is important for building wealth and stability, as home values tend to appreciate over time.
    • Buyers should define their non-negotiables and goals before entering the market and be prepared and educated about the process.
    • Being pre-approved and financially prepared can provide a better customer experience and increase the chances of getting an offer accepted.
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    34 Min.
  • Episode 18: Honoring a Loved One's Legacy Through Personal Excellence
    Apr 6 2024

    This week, we have a very special conversation which explores the journey of reconciliation and forgiveness between Ben and his mother who recently passed away.

    Ben shares the challenges of his mother acting many years as a single parent, and how some of her actions led to resentment. However, through personal growth and intentional communication, they were able to reconcile their relationship. The passing of his mother was a shock, but it served as a wake-up call for Ben to honor her legacy by striving for personal excellence. The conversation concludes with a reminder to reach out and reconcile relationships with loved ones.


    • The challenges of single parenting can be overwhelming, and it's important to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of parents.
    • Reconciliation and forgiveness are possible even after years of resentment and distance.
    • Honoring the legacy of loved ones can be achieved through personal growth and striving for excellence.
    • It's never too late to reach out and make efforts to reconcile relationships with family members.
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    29 Min.
  • Episode 17 - How Personal Growth Extends to ALL Areas of Life
    Mar 29 2024

    In this episode, Adam and Benjamin discuss the importance of personal growth and how it can transcend into every area of life. They share personal experiences and insights on how personal growth has positively impacted their lives. Emphasizing the need to be intentional and focused on a few key areas of improvement, rather than trying to tackle too much at once. They also discuss the importance of surrounding oneself with positive and like-minded individuals.

    They encourage listeners to be grateful for the opportunities they have and to view problems as opportunities for growth!


    • Personal growth is essential and can positively impact every area of life.
    • Being intentional and focused on a few key areas of improvement is more effective than trying to tackle too much at once.
    • Surrounding oneself with positive and like-minded individuals is important for personal growth.
    • Personal growth leads to resilience and the ability to overcome challenges with a positive mindset.
    • Gratitude and an abundance mindset are crucial for personal growth.
    • Viewing problems as opportunities for growth can lead to greater success.
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    39 Min.
  • Episode 16: Adam's Near Death Experience in Corcovado National Park
    Mar 15 2024


    In this episode, Adam shares his harrowing experience hiking in Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica. The park is known for its intense biodiversity and dangerous wildlife, including venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, jaguars, and bull sharks.

    Adam and his friend Nick faced numerous challenges on the hike, including navigating in the dark, losing the trail, and crossing rivers infested with bull sharks and caiman. Despite the dangers, they persevered and reached the ranger station.

    Adam reflects on the lessons learned from the experience and emphasizes the importance of responsible planning and judgment in outdoor adventures.


    • Be responsible and plan carefully when embarking on outdoor adventures.
    • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of your capabilities.
    • Pain and challenges are temporary, and it's important to keep a level head and assess the situation.
    • Reflecting on past experiences can provide wisdom and guide future decision-making.
    • Appreciate the beauty and rawness of nature, but also respect its dangers and wildlife.

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    37 Min.
  • Episode 15: Accomplishing a 24 Hour DIESEL Day
    Mar 8 2024

    In this episode, Ben shares his experience participating in Diesel Day, a 24-hour fitness challenge.

    He describes the intense physical and mental challenges involved, including hiking with a 45-pound weight, performing various exercises for two-hour segments, and enduring the event without ANY breaks.

    Ben reflects on the personal growth and sense of accomplishment he gained from pushing his limits and overcoming obstacles.

    The conversation highlights the importance of having a compelling future, embracing challenges, and choosing the pain of discipline over the pain of regret.


    • Pushing your physical and mental limits can lead to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.
    • Having a compelling future and challenging yourself can provide motivation and purpose.
    • Adversity and hardships can be viewed as opportunities for growth and development.
    • Choosing the pain of discipline over the pain of regret can lead to long-term fulfillment and success.
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    36 Min.