The Good Intentions Podcast Titelbild

The Good Intentions Podcast

Von: Kelly Harvarde
  • Inhaltsangabe

  • Good Intentions connects with experts and storytellers around social impact, psychology, mindfulness, personal growth, and health.

    Each conversation unpacks the beliefs and rituals that drive and ground each guest. You will hear about achievements that go beyond the conventional and tangible to a deeper level, finding the meaning and intention behind what we do.

    I believe that there is a deep longing in our culture and society for something more: something higher, something deeper. Material possessions and technology do not satisfy our souls. As human beings we long for connection.

    I'm on a mission to spread positivity, drive connectivity and to inspire others to live a more meaningful life.

    © 2024 The Good Intentions Podcast
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  • Ep 46 - The Menopause Revolution: How to Embrace Change and Thrive - Fiona Day
    May 13 2024

    Fiona Day is an incredible woman - she's an intuitive consultant and an energy healer - and she's also the only guest I've ever had on the show twice!

    The last time I spoke to her was January 2020 - just before the world got turned on it's head - back then we talked a lot about energy and how we can tune into our own intuition and feelings.

    This time we got together to talk about the menopause - a life change that Fiona has been recently navigating. She talked to me with such honesty and positivity about her journey and it was such a welcome, refreshing conversation. Fiona has a very open personality and when you throw in the fact that she's also an intuitive consultant and an energy healer, and you really get a completely different dimension to a conversation.

    We talked about how culture and society affects the way we talk about the menopause, the loss of self that many women feel and how we can navigate it and find ourselves.

    Fiona is so passionate about helping other women live their best lives and this shines through in this epsiode.

    I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

    Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast:

    Find the wonderful Fiona here:

    Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

    Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian Weiss

    Only Love is Real - Brian Weiss

    The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield

    Anxiously Attached - Jessica Baum

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    48 Min.
  • Ep 45 - Why Your Job as a Parent Isn't to Make Your Children Happy - Joanne Jewell
    Feb 20 2024

    Joanne Jewell is a therapist, educator and speaker. Born in the UK, she became an expat at just 12 years old when her family moved to South Africa for her father’s job.

    She says she spent most of her adolescent years trying to fit in or to avoid fitting in – not appreciating then the theory behind the need to belong and feel securely attached.

    Jo lived the life that was expected of her by her family and society until she was 30, but always knew there was something missing. That despite her constant efforts, the answer to happiness was not in the world around her, but instead in the world inside her – something that I think will sound familiar to so many of my listeners.

    Watching her three boys grow and fearing that she would not be the mum they deserved was a catalyst to starting her mindfulness journey, and this, combined with a family loss, gave way to a new phase of her life. Jo entered into therapy, started training as a counsellor and read everything she could find about healing ourselves from within.

    Jo says: “My greatest learning has been that through mindfulness I can change my blueprint; whatever I was taught and no longer want to use can be changed, and this is true for all of us.” This optimistic thinking gives me hope that we all can change, and is something that I explored in our conversation.

    We also talked mindful parenting and it’s power when it comes to raising resilient, optimistic children, how it isn’t our job to make our children happy, and we also discussed the genocide in Palestine and how to talk about this with children.

    Jo is so wise and brilliant and every time I talk to her I learn something and feel uplifted. I know you will too – please enjoy the conversation.

    Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast:

    Find Joanne Jewell here:

    Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

    Why Love Matters - Sue Gerhardt

    How to Do The Work - Dr Nicole Lepera

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    1 Std. und 8 Min.
  • Ep 44 - If You Have a Body, You are an Athlete - Jessie Gubbins
    Jan 2 2024

    Meet Jessie Gubbins, a dynamic force in the realm of fitness and coaching.

    Her journey from a dedicated management consultant, traveling the world and working endless hours to her current role as a fitness advocate is nothing short of inspiring.

    Jess treats everyone she coaches as an athlete because she believes if you have a body, you are an athlete. She wants us all to feel great about our bodies. Not only how it looks, but also what it can do. Whether it's carrying your groceries inside from the car in one trip, playing hide and seek with the kids, gardening without throwing out your back, or being able to stand up from the toilet unassisted when you're 95. The one thing that unites us as humans is that we have to live in our bodies. So why wouldn't we want to make that body as capable and as athletic as possible?

    Jess's infectious warmth permeates everything she does, be it strolling with her sausage dogs (or wieners for my American audience) or sharing the highs and lows of life on social media. She's always been open about her struggles with mental health and sobriety, and I loved talking to her about how to tackle the days when things don't go as planned, and how to navigate the challenges that life throws us.

    Her enthusiasm for life shines through in our conversation and you can feel her contagious energy. Whether you've encountered her in person or are tuning into this podcast, get ready for a discussion full of authenticity, optimism, and practical advice. I hope you enjoy it.

    Follow me, and the Good Intentions podcast:

    Find Jessie here:

    Immerse yourself in some of the books we discussed:

    Madelaine Blais - In these Girls, Hope is a Muscle

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    49 Min.

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