• It's Earth Day - lets talk about our Carbon Foodprint
    Apr 22 2021
    Have you ever thought about what it takes to get food from the source - the farm - onto your table? This trend of Direct to Consumer food delivery has some serious benefits to the carbon food print we leave behind. For more information about healthy living and healthy eating, visit www.smarthomeceo.com
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    5 Min.
  • Celebrating World Health Day 2021 with some thoughts on Proactive Health Care
    Apr 8 2021
    Today is World Health Day - April 7, 2021 Some thoughts on reactive health versus proactive health, and some of the things that we can do to maybe visit the doctor less often. If you are looking for ideas to take control of your health, please check out www.smarthomeceo.com to discover how the power of real food is changing peoples lives!!
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    4 Min.
  • Eating Organic is Expensive......Or is it??
    Mar 29 2021
    Isn’t eating and buying certified organic fruits and vegetables more expensive?? It’s a question I get a lot in my business, especially these days as the price of produce continues to rise. On the surface it may be a little more expensive, but that tide is turning as more and of us demand real organic food, and when you compare the Nourishment Value, organic wins every time! If you are looking for easy ideas to get more certified organic real food into your life, check out my website at www.smarthomeceo.com for a link to my certified organic superfood store. Because great health is the foundation for everything else!
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    6 Min.
  • Temptation Bundling - Making things you dont want to do a Habit!
    Mar 19 2021
    Associating the things you need to do - in business, in health, in life - with the things you want to do can be very powerful when you are trying to break bad habits and create good new ones! For more information about kicking bad food habits and getting your healthy lifestyle on track, visit www.smarthomeceo.com. Because great health is the foundation for everything else!
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    4 Min.
  • Mind the DISTRACTIONS if you work for yourself
    Mar 12 2021
    How to keep your focus and stay consistent in all the distractions!! Because you don’t realize they are distractions until they are done distracting you!! For more info about healthy living and superfood nutrition, visit www.smarthomeceo.com Because Good Health is the Foundation for everything else
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    4 Min.
  • Close Your Action Gap - Be a Kid Again!
    Mar 10 2021
    A Bias Towards Action! It was automatic as kids, but as adults we have found ways to widen the gap between idea and action. Less (self) talk, more action. With a reading from my good friend Leslie Zann’s new book - Outrageous Achievement https://www.amazon.com/Outrageous-Achievement-Tapping-Limitless-Potential-ebook/dp/B08X3SZKFV/ For more info about what I do and why, visit www.smarthomeceo.com. Because great health is the foundation for everything else!
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    3 Min.
  • What I Don't Like.....and what I LOVE about vitamins
    Mar 8 2021

    What I don't like, and what I LOVE about Vitamins.

    Do you get your vitamins, minerals, and key nutrients from a bottle, or from real food.  I'm no doctor or certified health pro, but I have learned that the more real whole food I eat, the more vitamins and minerals I get!

    For more info on the superfoods labels mentioned in this podcast, visit www.smarthomeceo.com.  Because Great Health is the foundation for everything else!

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    8 Min.
  • Dazed and Confused when it comes to Nutrition in a Pandemic
    Mar 3 2021

    The stats are startling.....over half of us are struggling with being healthy during this Pandemic.  Listen in to hear the stats, and we'll talk about some things you can do to make sure you are getting the daily nourishment that you need.

    If you need a little help on the nutrition, leave a comment and we can chat more about some simple solutions to take back control of your health!

    Visit www.smarthomeceo.com/mylinks for your health and the health of others.  Because great health is the foundation for everything else!

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    6 Min.