• An Overview of the Gospel of Matthew
    Jan 7 2024

    Matthew's Gospel is unique in that it was written by a Jew to the Jews to convince them that Jesus was and is the Kingly Messiah.

    In this message, Nathan talks about the Apostle Matthew, his audience, and how he structured the Gospel to showcase the truth about who Jesus is.

    And while this Gospel was written to the Jews, it has a powerful message to every believer.

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    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on January 7, 2024.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    1 Std. und 4 Min.
  • An Overview of the Gospel of Mark
    Dec 3 2023

    Mark's Gospel is a non-stop action adventure of the life of Christ. In this message, Nathan discusses who Mark was, the backdrop of the Gospel, the key question of the book, and talks through Mark's difficult (and often confusing) ending.

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    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on December 3, 2023.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    1 Std. und 16 Min.
  • An Overview of the Gospel of John
    Oct 29 2023

    John’s Gospel is unlike the other three—it is more intimate, relational, and passionate. John longs to his readers to believe and experience the life, love, and light of Christ.

    In this overview of John’s Gospel, Nathan discusses the life of John the Apostle, his poetic style of writing, and his purpose for writing the book.

    Ultimately, John’s Gospel invites us to believe, seek greater intimacy, and hold fast to the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus.

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    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on October 29, 2023.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    54 Min.
  • Christ is Coming
    Dec 18 2022

    Though we recently celebrated the Advent of the first coming of Christ, we mustn’t forget to long and anticipate His second coming.

    In this sermon, Nathan examines the story of Simeon blessing baby Jesus in the Temple and how Simeon’s expectancy for the Messiah should be the same as ours today as we await His return.

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    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on December 18, 2022.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    48 Min.
  • Paul's Identity: Slave and Apostle (Titus 1:1)
    Dec 4 2022

    Culturally, our identity is often wrapped up in our professions, abilities, or history. But as believers, our identity is to be IN Christ.

    As Paul begins his letter to Titus, he declares his identity, in turn reminding us that regardless of our past, profession, or talent, we need to come under the authority of and be a willing vessel for God’s use.

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    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on December 4, 2022.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    47 Min.
  • An Ambassador of the King (2 Corinthians 5:20)
    May 22 2022

    Paul declares we are ambassadors for Christ.

    But what is an ambassador and how does that affect how we practically live?

    In this message, Nathan explores 2 Corinthians 5:20 and what it means to be an ambassador of the King, the cost to our lives, and why it is worth everything to have such a high honor.

    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on May 22, 2022.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    46 Min.
  • A Cultural Perspective of Luke 15
    May 1 2022

    I love Luke 15 and the picture of God's redemptive pursuit of that which is lost. Yet while we are familiar with the three parables Jesus shares (Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and the Lost Son), we often forget the cultural context in which they sit.

    Join me in exploring a cultural perspective of Luke 15 that gives fresh insight into the words of Jesus and offers a powerful glimpse into the nature and heart of God.

    This message was preached at the Church at Ellerslie on May 1, 2022.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    58 Min.
  • The Christian Mindset 26 - The Presence of Peace (Philippians 4:9)
    Jul 29 2021

    As Paul comes to a conclusion, he gives a final benediction and blessing for those who live and think according to His exhortation of Philippians 4:4-9.

    This blessing is nothing less than God’s promise to be with us.

    In this final message on the Christian mindset, Nathan Johnson expounds on Paul’s statement that “the God of peace will be with you” and gives three incredible realities of what it means for our lives practically.

    For more Christ-Centered teaching and resources, visit deeperChristian.com

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    50 Min.